Our first meeting it was on school vacation at Aunt Nina's home in São Paulo, 1974, I was 11 years old, and there I had the pleasure of discovering photography. My cousin Marco Aurélio, who at the time must have been twenty-six years old, had purchased an enlarger, developers, fixers, switches, developing tanks, tweezers and boxes and boxes of photographic paper, all optical and “alchemical” paraphernalia of photography. The bathroom became our pb photo lab, black fabric covering the window, towel in the crack of the door, and under a weak red light I saw, for the first time, appear in the developer's basin the black and white image of the scene that I had seen in color that morning. Shades of black and grey slowly dyed the white of Kodak paper and the image of the swan in the lake reappeared. My eyes were widening in amazement. It was the light turning into a dream. Unforgettable!
I lost this first photo a long time ago, but it remains alive in my memory, remind of a passion that born in that winter´s night. Only at the end of the 80's I took the camera again, in a shy and amateur way. In 1989, I participated in a photojournalism course and from that course I got my first job at the newspaper in my home city as a photojournalist. After this first experience, I had several other jobs as a photographic reporter in newspapers with regional and national circulation for 17 years, from 1989 to 2006. Besides my carrier I held dozens of photographic exhibitions, mostly on my favorite subject, the landscape.
In 1998 I graduated bachelor in Geography, persisting I got a Master in 2006 and a PhD in 2019, both in Geography.
As a geographer I was envolved in projects in the area of environmental education, water resources and environmental conservation. At Origin Archeology I worked in several environmental licensing processes in the Southeast, Northeast and Midwest regions of Brazil. I´m author of “1822, a European botanist on a journey through the Vale do Paraíba”, a novel that narrates the passage of the French botanist Auguste de Saint-Hilaire through the Vale do Paraíba in 1822.
Away from journalism in recent years, I have focused on landscape photography. I'm associated with Ateliê De Etser Santa Clara, where I develop art projects, and I'm a research associate at the CASEL at Indiana University.
“Pedra do Baú”, Centro Ambiental Edoardo Bonetti, São José dos Campos/SP, nov/2018.
Exposição coletiva na Galeria Mirian Badaró, Taubaté/SP, sep/2014.
“Pequenas Obras Grandes Artistas”, Over Galeria, São José dos Campos/SP, jul/2014.
“Cenário da Existência”, Galeria Helena Calil, Fundação Cultural Cassiano Ricardo, São José dos Campos/SP, oct/2013.
“Canudos e o Sertão Baiano”, Ateliê De Etser, São José dos Campos/SP, jun-jul/2013.
Projeto Olhar & Arte, Escola Monteiro Lobato, São José dos Campos/SP, nov/2012 a feb/2013.
“Manti Queira Bem”, Restaurante ChefVivi, São Paulo/SP, jul-oct/2012.
“Olhar São Paulo” ARFOC- Associação dos Repórteres Fotográficos no Estado de São Paulo, oct-dec/2012.
“Arte e Cultura no Vale do Paraíba”, coletiva com curadoria do Acervo Artístico-Cultural dos Palácios do Governo, Palácio Boa Vista, Campos do Jordão/SP, oct/2011 a mar/2012.
“Arte e Palavra”, Galeria 3058A, São Paulo/SP, sep-oct/2011.
“Fotografia Contemporânea do Vale”, Galeria Mirian Badaró, Taubaté/SP, apr-mai/2011.
“Fotodez”, Galeria Garcia Arte, São Paulo/SP, dec/2009 a jan/2010.
“Olhar São Paulo”, ARFOC, Bourbon Convention Ibirapuera, São Paulo/SP, sep-dec/2009.
“Centenário de Euclides da Cunha”, Galeria Garcia Arte, São Paulo/SP, ago-sep/2009.
“Projeto Arte e Vida”, Instituto de Oncologia do Vale, SJCampos/SP, set-nov/2008 e jan-mar/2009.
“Projeto Guimarães Rosa faz 100 anos - O Filosófico Sertão Universal”, Brazil Gallery, São Paulo/SP, jun-jul/2008.
“Parceiros”, CenterVale Shopping, São José dos Campos/SP, apr-may/2008.
“Araucária”, Restaurante Le Bistrô, Quiririm, Taubaté/SP, mar/2008.
“Cenário da Existência”, Aliança Francesa de São José dos Campos/SP, apr-may/2007.
“Fotojornalismo”, Campinas Shopping, feb-mar/2006.
“Panorama”, ICBEU, São José dos Campos/SP, sep/2003.
“Photographies sur le Football Brésilien”, FNAC Montparnasse, Paris, apr/2002.
“Pedra da Mina, 2798”, Center Vale Shopping, São José dos Campos/SP, sep/2000.
“Pedra da Mina, 2798”, Queluz, jun/2001.
“Pedra da Mina, 2798”, Wolner, São Paulo/SP, sep/2001.
“Rio Paraíba do Sul, da nascente à foz”. SJCampos/SP, de march a april/1998.
“Meio Ambiente”, Fundação Cultural José Maria Abreu, Jacareí/SP, jul/1997.
“Parques Nacionais”, SESC/SJCampos/SP, apr/1997.
“Mostra de Artes Visuais SESC 50 anos”, SESC/SJCampos/SP, sep/1996.
“Meio Ambiente”, Galeria Arte & Uso, SJCampos/SP, jul/1992.